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Who are We?

We, the Justice for All Network, are Americans: our national identity founded upon the right for every human to have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But America cannot truly be free and liberated until every human in this country has the opportunity to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...



Who We Are

"We, not me."

We, the Justice for All Network, are Americans: our national identity founded upon the right for every human to have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But America cannot truly be free and liberated until every human in this country has the opportunity to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are a culturally, ethnically diverse collective of proud Americans committed to achieving the Justice for All agenda.

The America we envision is a just and nurturing society; a responsible citizen among and between the nations, tribes, and peoples of the world, and a dedicated steward of the earth. In actualizing that reality, our advocacy is not restrained by bipartisanship; rather, we will help create change through policy, and thereby focus on the problems and the people impacted by issues rather than party politics. Our modus operandi is methodology over ideology, through Reason, Research, and Reform.

All the power belongs to the people, to the 99%.

We are taking head-on issues that are stopping America from being truly democratic, divisive issues like structural racism, classism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry, and segregation.

American governance should take the form of mass, mutual democratic participation. It should be intersectional in its values, visions, issues, diversity, affiliations; in other words, pluralistic, recognizing that individuals and individuality exists within a honeycomb of collectivity and plurality.


To mature as a nation, as a people, and to truly grow – we must operate with transparency, accountability, and integrity. The Justice for All Network looks to meet others where they are; break bread:

“We, not me.”

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